Essex Winter Weddings at The White Hart

Essex Winter Weddings

Winter weddings have become more popular over the last few years. There are a number of reasons why they now have an increasing demand with couples so why not consider booking the White Hart for a Winter wedding?


As with most wedding venues we have discounted rates at The White Hart during the Winter months simply because we are quieter. This not only applies to us as a venue but also to many of our suppliers. If they are keen for the work then you are more likely to get a good deal and have a little more bargaining power to your elbow. Away from this if you are saving money it might mean you have more options for the honeymoon if you are then heading to warmer climes!


Providing your ceremony is early enough you can get some great lighting for your wedding photos. Whilst in the South East we don’t get that much snow we all know that Winter wedding shots look fantastic when we do get a sprinkling! Even without snow there are great photo opportunities with candles and outside lighting along with those beautiful wintry sunsets.

Of course at The White Hart we also have beautiful big open fireplaces in the White Hart itself giving you that cosy warm feeling you only ever get inside in Winter.


Obviously it makes planning a lot easier. This is not just booking the venue itself but every other service around it. We’ve heard a few couples comment to us that they preferred this because the whole process felt a more relaxed with more options on photographers, cake makers and the whole range of services connected with weddings.

The Wedding party can be more fun

With Winter weddings being rarer than Summer, your guests are less likely to be suffering from wedding fatigue. We all know that feeling when you’ve been to more than your quota of weddings over a Summer and want nothing more than quick speeches to avoid that ‘not again’ feeling. Obviously some of us just love weddings anyway with a reason to wear our poshest frocks, mix and mingle and enjoy great food, wine and company.

Predicting the Weather

Since you know it’s cold everyone can prepare for this and everything is organised in a way to account for the lower temperatures. A lot of couples and families spend a lot of time worrying about whether it will be sunny, rainy, too hot, too cold etc and obviously this then follows through to the endless choices about wardrobe and what will be right to wear on the day. With a Winter wedding it’s simple – you are going to need that big coat when walking form the car to the warm inside and once you are in you will be nice and cosy.

Get in touch with us on 01787 237 250 and talk with us about your requirements.